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  • 增進個人、團體與天主的關係,俾能在信、望、愛三德上日益增長
  • 善度基督徒生活,透過言行、經歷及福傳活動去宣揚基督的愛,分享天國的喜訊
  • 支持堂區發展,參與堂區內各項傳教和事奉工作
  • 幫助及關懷團體及社區內有需要的人士,如新移民、貧困者、病弱者等
  • 以熱誠開放的態度接待教友及非教友,協助他們融入教會和堂區

Seattle Chinese Catholic Community Mission Statement

Seattle Chinese Catholic Community (SCCC) is a Catholic faith community serving mainly the Chinese community in Western Washington. We belong to St. Monica Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Our mission includes:

  • Strengthen the bond between each member, SCCC and our Lord, enabling us to grow in faith, hope and love.
  • Lead an exemplary Christian life; spread Christ’s love and share the Good News through actions, speech, experience and evangelization.
  • Support the development of our parish through participation in our parish’s mission work and ministries.
  • Reach out and care for the needs of those in SCCC and the community at large, including newcomers, the poor, the sick etc.
  • Create a welcoming atmosphere to Catholics and non-Catholics, helping them integrate into the Church and our parish.

版本 Version: 4/12/2015